Antique Tibetan Tiger Khaden Rug

We are always looking for special rugs as we travel little touched parts of the Himalaya. We discovered this antique tiger rug in an old home of Mustang's royal family while trekking in the restricted Mustang area high in the Himalaya. The wool rug has a wonderful tiger design, with a rare backbone design that I have not seen before. It was being used as a traditional khaden, with family members sitting on it during the day, and using it as a warm mattress at night. As soon as we walked into the room and saw this rug, we knew it would clean up to be true gem. 

Whether you hang this rug on the wall or display it on the floor, it will be a stunning centerpiece in your home and a collector's piece for Tibetan and Mustangi history and culture lovers.

Age: Mid-20th Century
Size: 89 x 160 cm (35" x 63")
Condition: Good, consistent with age

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